UKCSC chairman Greg de Hoedt published in the British Medical Journal

UKCSC chairman Greg de Hoedt has been published in the British Medical Journal.

The article, ‘Patients like me manage lifelong illness with cannabis. For us, the UK is a hostile environment’ was released on 27 July and will be available in print on 4 August.

In it Greg explains why his life-threatening Crohn’s disease was only treatable by breaking the law and using cannabis, and how he has to medicate to keep it in remission. And he explains why, contrary to conventional wisdom, Skunk is medicinal.

About the publication, Greg said, “It is a great privilege to have been asked to write for the BMJ and it feels like the message that our community has been trying to get heard for some time is starting to be listened to”.

“I hope momre people from the UK cannabis movement feel inspired to speak out more outside of the cannabis echo chamber and have our experiences heard by those that need to hear it” he added.

De Hoedt tells the Journal why the right to grow is an essential demand for the cannabis movement.

“If I had waited for the government to enact laws that suit my needs, I would be dead by now. I am alive because I have refused to obey an unjust law. We cannot wait, we need the right to grow freely,” writes Greg.

“While the Home Office has just revealed that it will allow medical cannabis licences, the condition list and licence fee prohibits access to most patients like me. We do not deserve to be classed as criminals and certainly shouldn’t have to live in fear of police raids because we grow cannabis to stay alive.”

The national health establishment is listening. Is the government?

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Comment (1)

  1. The government does not care if we live or die or whether or not we have a healthy life as long as they can make money for gw pharmaceuticals. I am amazed that there is not a criminal investigation into our priminister since she gains financially how they have set this up. It really does need to be looked into. The only reason they have given into this so far is because the world was witnessing the shire cruelty of the British government.

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