Right To Grow Tour 2025: Volunteer Team Guidance

What help do we need for each local event?

Hey! Thank you for volunteering to help with the UKCSC Right To Grow Tour in 2025. We couldn’t be more excited to bring the campaign to your area. For it to be a success, we need a solid team of volunteers with local knowledge, self motivation, commitment and passion. 

Find a suitable venue

We are looking for venues that people don’t have any concerns about coming to. It needs to be easily accessible, well presented and in a main town or city in the UK. 

  • At least 100 person capacity
  • Audio and visual facilities
  • Looks good on camera

Look for appropriate sponsors

Each event will have costs involved, and we want to include the local community.  It may not raise all the money needed but all contributions help. In exchange for helping to cover the costs for the local event, the UKCSC will offer advertising on their website, posts on X, Instagram, Linked In, Facebook and YouTube. These companies may also want to exhibit on a small table, depending on the size of the venue. 

  • Head shops
  • CBD Shops
  • 420 Lifestyle Brands 
  • Local Hemp Farm/Company
  • Seed Company

Street team to raise awareness

To promote the event, we need local help getting the word out. This will involve multiple days of action over a 6-week lead up period. Flyering at least once a week in busy areas on busy days. Speaking to shopkeepers, finding local notice boards (we don’t mind paying small fees). We will also want to put up flyers/posters in the surrounding towns to get more reach for the organisation and impact more places than we can actually speak in. 

  • Flyering
  • Putting up posters in shops and the street
  • Getting local radio or podcast shout-outs

Inviting your local representatives

Whilst we need to gain the trust and support of the community, we also need to influence those in influential positions. 

  • Member of Parliament
  • Police Crime Commissioner
  • The Mayor
  • Local Councillors
  • Local Charities

Local press and media leading up to the event. 

It is important to get as much exposure as possible, so we need to use the traditional streams of free advertising. If you have any contacts in the following areas, let us know!

  • Local newspaper journalist
  • Local radio show
  • Independent blogger
  • Podcast hosts
  • YouTubers
  • Social Medial Influencers 


On the day

During the first half of the day (11/12-3pm) we will set up in the town with a table, banners and flyers. We will need a peddlers’ or street traders’ licence from the local council for permission to be there. This may cost around £15 but could vary with different authorities. Greg will be interviewing the public with 2 camera people. The table will have information leaflets and 2 people to talk to anyone that comes over. We want to advertise the event that is happening that evening, collect peoples contact details and maybe even sell some merch or sign people up as supporter members. 

  • Local volunteers for speaking to people at the table
  • Local people to hand out flyers

We will go and eat and then go and set up the venue

In the evening

Get to venue by 5pm. Audio & Video Team set up cameras and sound immediately and run tests. Banners and posters need to be placed up around the room and the stage dressed. We need a ticket table and a merch table, each with 2 people on them. Everyone that comes in needs to give us their email address so we can give them the full recording when it is posted online and to keep in touch about club progress in the area. They will also get emailed a discount code for the UKCSC website. I want a microscope with a laptop, and a volcano on the table with CBD flowers and an extra long vape bag to look good in pictures in the venues that allow us to do this. Designated spaces for exhibiting companies if they are. A crayon/pencil and piece of paper needs to be put on every seat (and collected at the end). We will need a couple of volunteers to take mics around the room for the Q&A at the end. 

  • Tables
  • Banners
  • Mic bearers


To get an idea for the kind of evening event we are looking to host, have a look at the following videos. 

  • Seedtalks host regular educational talks around the UK with interesting speakers
  • My last talk at Breaking Convention (it will be a new talk and presentation)


There will be costs incurred for the tour as a whole, and each tour date.

One Off Costs



Table Covers

Right To Grow Tour Handbook

Each Tour Date

Venue hire

Fuel to travel

Printing flyers & posters

Occasionally accommodation

Other marketing opportunities

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