The reaction to UKCSC’s first issue release of The Quarter Leaf magazine has been “monumental” and “groundbreaking”, according to feedback from the community.
The Quarter Leaf magazine, which launched on 20 April 2019, is now available on the UKCSC webshop.
A copy will be sent out with every order of any item purchased from the UKCSC webshop including the lowest cost pack of skins or a sticker.
Over 500 copies have already been ordered and posted out with purchases in the last 4 weeks so don’t miss out on your chance to own one of the very first collector’s editions, as the last remaining copies are quickly disapearing.
UKCSC also has a number of t-shirt designs so if you would like to make a contribution towards our campaign costs buying one of these is a great way to do so. But act soon if you would like one, we are quickly running out!
To subscribe to The Quarter Leaf and to receive a copy in the post each quarter when they are published you can become a UKCSC Supporter Member.
Greg de Hoedt, founder of TQL said: “It’s instilled new confidence in campaigners who have been involved for many years but is equally giving new activists the kick start they need to step into a much needed role within the community.
“We really have seen who is ready to put their all into making reform happen for the people through this exercise. Reform in the US and Canada wasn’t done by sitting at home sharing links on social media, it was won by getting out and engaging with the public and it’s good to see more of that happening with TQL as a tool.”
Real life outreach: Alan Collins, UKCSC member from Manchester, took the opportunity to hand 4 copies to a local beat officer who passed them around to his colleagues.
There have been numerous requests for TQL to be made available as a PDF and this is something that the team behind the magazine are working towards.
“It was a bit of an experiment launching it,” admitted Greg. “A lot of people told me that 40,000 copies was going to be way too many but I didn’t think it would be enough – and I was right! Every shop has told us they could have given away ten times the amount. If that’s the case we certainly need more support from the UK industry to make it happen.”
If businesses would like to take advantage of the widespread network of dedicated cannabis enthusiasts that are working hard to get the message of true reform out to the public you are welcome to get in touch with us and you can do so via the contact form here on the website.
UKCSC self distributed the magazine, which meant lifting 9 tonnes of magazines by hand two or three times each on and off the van and driving nearly 3,000 miles around the UK to headshops, hydrostores, healthfood shops and cannabis social clubs who took on the mission to get it into the hands of their members.
Darren Rigby TQL Photographer commented: “We took it half way to everywhere, we only asked that the community of 70 clubs that we have at the UKCSC take it the other half of the way. It looks like they did a pretty good job too, managing to take copies into their doctors surgeries, hospital appointments and left in waiting rooms.”

“We couldn’t be prouder of the clubs efforts,” Darren added.
“The difference in reaction to showing my specialist a printed publication compared to a page on my phone screen or something I had printed off at home was clearly noticeable. It was like I was being taken seriously for the first time,” Ace Sumner told us after giving a copy to his neurologist.
“They have flown off the counter and been a real conversation starter,” said Nick from Green Worthing, the headshop that has been serving the local community for more than a decade.
“The quality is second to none and the amount of content in there for a free magazine is quite impressive. It’s substantial. You should be proud.” –
Issue #2 of The Quarter Leaf is already underway and will first be available at Green Pride in Brighton on 20 July so make sure you save the date!
Support the UK Cannabis Social Clubs:
As a Supporter Member
By Buying one of our Tees
Or any other item in the shop
And get a FREE copy of The Quarter Leaf with every order.
If you have a story, art, photography or content you would like to submit for for our consideration to post on the UKCSC website or The Quarter Leaf, or you are a shop that would like to stock copies for your keen customers, please email with your article and/or any high resolution images, and we will be in touch.
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