This Week In Weed – 30 September 2018

Tommy Corbyn opens hemp shops

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s son Tommy, 25, has started two hemp-based companies with his partner Chloe Kerslake-Smith, called National Hemp Service and The Hemp Café.

He is quoted in the Daily Star saying: “My partner and I are opening a store in north London that will sell hemp-derived products.”

Chloe, also 25, said: “We’re renovating the premises and hope to open in the near future. The National Hemp Service is like an alternative National Health Service. We’ll be selling a variety of hemp-derived products.

“Everything will have undergone lab tests to ensure it meets the UK market standards for their cannabinoid profiles and potency.”

Tommy’s politician dad has previously stated that criminalising people for possessing small amounts of cannabis is “not a particularly good idea”.

Ex-model shuns chemo for cannabis oil

Ex-model Kerri Parker “has refused chemotherapy and is fighting brain cancer with illegal cannabis oil”, according to the Mirror. Her battle comes over four years after surgeons removed a previous tumour.

Kerri, a former lab technician from Norwich, is quoted in the Mirror saying: “My chemo team wanted me to have 10-12 cycles but went on to tell me that no one with brain cancer has managed to have the full lot.

“I know using cannabis means I could be put in prison but I truly believe it is the only chance I have of living right now.

“I’ve been working hard over the past few years. I’m training for a black belt in martial arts and I’m the fittest and healthiest I’ve been, so when doctors say they want me to have treatment which will make me sick, it makes no sense to me.

“Cannabis has helped many others with cancer. I’m willing to put faith in it too. I can’t imagine any judge would convict a girl for using cannabis to save her life. It’s a risk I’m ready to take.”


CBD cures acne

A 25-year-old woman who has been trying to find treatment for severe acne for the past eight years says she has finally found something that works – CBD oil.

Emily McClarron is quoted by Metro saying that taking CBD oil tablets every day helps to lower her stress levels, which in turn reduces her acne. She credits the combination of homemade skincare products and cannabis tablets for her dramatically clearer skin.

‘Since I started taking the capsules, combined with homemade skin products, people have told me how amazing my skin looks,’ says Emily. ‘Before this, if I was feeling anxious, I’d have a really bad breakout, but the tablets have made me feel much calmer, so I am not getting the terrible acne I was.

‘The cannabis hasn’t cured me, but it has helped take control of my severe acne once and for all.’


£1m cannabis cave seized

What could be the ‘biggest’ cannabis factory in the UK has been seized by police in village in Wiltshire. Two men have been arrested and charged with drug offences as an estimated £1 million worth of drugs were seized from the cave at a quarry near Bradford-on-Avon.

Police said they haven’t yet been able to determine the full size of the operation as they are waiting for the maze of tunnels to be made safe before investigating further. The former limestone quarry was once used by Heinz to grow mushrooms for its soup and were used by the War Office in 1939 to store naval equipment.


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