Right to Grow: UK Cannabis Social Clubs tour will spark up reform

The UK Cannabis Social Clubs are getting ready to hit the road, visiting towns and cities all over the UK to talk about adult cannabis reform. 

It will be the first time since medical cannabis was legalised in 2018 that the UKCSC who advocate for sensible adult cannabis regulations have launched a campaign for cannabis consumer rights. 

Greg de Hoedt, who founded the UKCSC in 2011 said the reasons for the tour were due to a “significant issues causing the lid to boil over”.  

“We have given medical cannabis six years to impress us and prove they can solve the problems patients face, and we aren’t impressed.” 

“Clubs and here at national receive multiple messages every day from patients at pretty much every clinic where they are having issues caused by the system medical cannabis is governed by. They are poor quality cannabis, seeds, slow service, prescriptions delayed for over a fortnight or several months, the list goes on.”

“On top of that, vulnerable people feel as exposed to unscrupulous money making by huge corporations with little care for the quality of the product – in the same way they are by the worst parts of the illicit market.” He added. 

Richard Hurley, British Medical Journal; Greg de Hoedt, UKCSC; Crispin Blunt, former MP.

With all the focus on medical cannabis, it has left a gulf in activism that supports the rights of the largest part of the problem of cannabis prohibition. 

“Patients need a voice that will be heard because the industry isn’t listening to their very real concerns. But so do healthy adults that are continuing to be criminalised for cannabis related activities. No person deserves to have their life ruined with a conviction or sent to prison with murderers and rapists for growing or selling a plant.”

“The Government have deprived people of legal opportunities that could benefit the countries economy and unemployment situations. Cannabis laws primarily impact people who live in low income areas, so maintaining prohibition and criminalisation doesn’t seem to fit in well with levelling up strategies and targets.” 

“If people are turning to grow and selling cannabis to afford to feed their families and pay their mortgages, or even just live comfortably, the government needs to recognise this and act in a pragmatic way. We think cannabis social clubs are a very British solution.”

“It’s time to legalise the [cannabis] culture.”

Greg de Hoedt addressing the crowd of thousands at Green Pride, Brighton 2019.

What is happening

The UKCSC will go on a “Right to Grow” tour around the UK to major towns and cities and places in between to host a day of all our cannabis activism. We will speak to the public in town during the day, film some interviews with people going about their day to find out their thoughts on home growing cannabis and social clubs. We will host a public talk and networking event in a nice venue that evening. It will involve a talk about cannabis social clubs and how we get your right to grow, and hopefully help kickstart a cannabis social club community from the people who attend. 

It should make some great content with responses from local people that others connect with for social media, to promote the campaign and help everyone learn what kind of objections we need to overcome as a community in the next stage of the campaign. 

The intention is to get the conversation moving in the right direction, and build up the confidence in the hearts and minds of cannabis consumers that there is a hope for reform. And not just any kind of reform, the kind that respects the best elements of the existing cannabis market and the people who care about the safety of their customers. 

How are we making it happen 

The UKCSC are in the planning stages of the tour, selecting which towns and cities to visit first based on their supporter membership data of 1000 Supporter members. These members have contributed to keeping the organisation running since 2017 so we will look what areas have the largest support and desire for change. If you want to help influence this, become a supporter member and get in touch with us. We need to grow our numbers and need help locally around the country to make this tour a success. 

When is it happening

The UK Right to Grow tour will kick off in January in Wales with Cardiff, the date and venue still to be announced. We will ensure to host multiple talks in Wales, England, Scotland and Norther Ireland. If our friends in Ireland (or anywhere else for that matter) want us to come over and talk to them too, we are happy to have that chat. The full first leg of the tour will be announced by the end of November. 

Your future cannabis social club needs you!

As we have mentioned, we require support around the country to make our events a success and effective as possible. Your help is tremendously appreciated and makes a significant difference. Finding venues, flyering, putting up posters, helping set up on the day, helping film and do the sound, edit, drive, stand at a table to take emails and membership sign-ups. There are a whole list of jobs and people needed in each area we set up for the day in. If you want to get your activism points, email us and let us know how you think you can help or let us know you’re willing to help if you can! Don’t forget to tell us where you are from!

Be part of something!

UKCSC would like to thank every one that has continued to support us through the years and still believes, despite the political setbacks, that cannabis social clubs are a valuable public necessity in the UK. 

Let’s be the change and influence the cannabis conversation. Let’s be the one’s to make the news about cannabis, not just comment on other people’s paid publication stories. 

Make sure you are following us on social media for more regular updates, musings, memes, and news. Your interactions matter to us, so we encourage your comments, emails and reshares of our content. 

Get a Supporter Membership or you can buy merch from our shop, to help support our fundraising efforts for this tour.

We are running a Right 2 Grow raffle which draws on the 14th of September. Ticket sales go towards our first few tour dates.

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