In November the UK Cannabis Social Clubs will be celebrating 5 years of continuous activism, growth and progress towards creating and offering a safer landscape for those who grow and consume cannabis.
To mark the occasion, on November the 6th the UKCSC will be hosting their first Annual General Meeting in Leicester. With admins from over 50 Cannabis Social Clubs and growing daily, coming together under one roof for the first time it will mark a groundbreaking and historic moment in the fight towards a more sensible and practice, better future for everyone in Britain, not just cannabis consumers.
While the Government has maintained that a prohibitive stance against cannabis’ growing popularity is the correct stance to take it continues to allow the streets of the United Kingdom to be a playground for international crime gangs willing to take the risk of producing large amounts of cannabis for extremely lucrative profits. Using children trafficked in from impoverished countries to cultivate the cannabis is domestic houses or commercial units, for sometimes up to 5 years never seeing natural sunlight – the Home Office have continued to turn a blind eye to it – despite us actively engaging with them over this issue in the last two Parliaments. Because of this, we feel no guilt or shame in trying to provide a safer alternative for the citizens of Britain, for they deserve it.
With medical cannabis strongly entering the mindset of the British public with its current media attention, we must now take responsibility to ensure social, recreational and spiritual use is not further demonised and we can help that with the way we demonstrate how the future of a legal cannabis market in the UK can work.
To understand where we are in this increasingly changing political landscape we will have presentations from several inspirational figures in the global cannabis social club movement and burgeoning global cannabis industry so our delegates can go back to their local communities armed with the tools, and knowledge they need to keep this movement heading forward at a stead pace and a considered direction.
In 2014 the UKCSC wrote a model and self regulatory framework for cannabis consumers, producers and community social venues in order to reduce the harms of prohibition on both consumers and the wider community and try to minimise the consequences of the law. During the period of which we are still forced to fight for our individual rights to have the freedom to grow, share and collectively consume cannabis as consenting adults and patients with chronic medical condition should not have to be forced to accept substandard quality cannabis that could be contaminated and more damaging to health than cannabis could be – as the scientific evidence now supports. This model is being increasingly accepted and praised by academics and politician as “a cannabis union”, “innovative” and “proactive”. The model also has the backing of a legal team that has worked with the oldest drugs charity in the world, Release, who want to help us directly challenge the law via this model – a feat that has not been attempted before.
Cannabis Social Clubs are private membership clubs and provide a trusted and safe environment for their members. Within them are Collectives, set up between members in which they grow personal amounts of cannabis and share at cost or under the UKCSC Fair Trade pricing structure. This ensures people joining these communities are not being extorted for cannabis as has been the case within the black market for decades. There are growers, edible makers, extractors and a number of other affiliate service providers that all make up the industry within the UKCSC movement and understanding how we can all fit in and work together will enable us to have a brighter future.
There will be some entertainment in the evening to relax to after a long day of mental activism and the opportunity to relax, network and socialise with the other national activists and campaigners that are all coming together to unite for one cause, a cannabis industry with a place for everyone.
This event is ticketed only and for active admins and member of UK Cannabis Social Clubs, as well as tickets available for industry business owners. If you have a club that is currently active and want’s to join the wider collective movement of Cannabis Social Clubs, please register your details on our website here and we will be happy to get in touch with you to learn more about your club and let you know what we are about. For ticket inquiries and further questions please get in touch with us at If your company would like to be a sponsor of this monumental event we would love to hear from you before we get in touch with you It is well and truely time that everyone making money out of cannabis consumers starts putting something back in to help stop us all being persecuted for our freedom to choose, freedom to consume, buy and sell cannabis or its related products.
As a bit of an extra, because we do work so hard, on the 5th of November, members and admins of UKCSC’s will be meeting for an additional day of team building and recreational fun activities. If you are interested in a day of petrol gokarting please get in touch at with the subject FunDay and we will get back in touch. This will be at an additional cost to the AGM.
Due to the nature of this AGM being to arm CSC’s with the tools they need keep evolving there will only be a very limited number of public tickets available for this event which will only be made available in the later half of October.
We look forward to moving forward with you at this very exciting time in the age of cannabis!
Lets get the UK green rush under way!
The Active Commitee
United Kingdom Cannabis Social Clubs