4/20 in London this year was bigger than ever in the UK this year – and the biggest 4/20 gathering in Europe. Tens of thousands of cannabis lovers from across the country made their way to Hyde Park to participate in the mass act of civil disobedience and the attendence showed that the demand for legal adult cannabis use is growing every year. The UKCSC launched its brand new magazine, The Quarter Leaf, giving away 40,000 free copies over the weekend to help spread our message.

Falling on a Saturday and with perfect sunny weather, the park was absolutely packed. Once it filled up in the early afternoon, the UKCSC stall was inundated with people taking interest in our banners promoting legalisation and cannabis social clubs, and many, many people took an interest in joining after hearing what we had to say. Our new 420 and The Quarter Leaf t-shirts were also popular, along with the magazine itself.

UKCSC chairman Greg de Hoedt addressed the crowd from the main stage as 4.20pm approached and made sure everyone knew about the new magazine, urging everyone to get educated and active for the fight to end prohibition.
Next year it will be 4/20 for a whole month – this was the perfect preparation for what should be an even bigger event next year.