Listen: The Bass Boi releases new 420 inspired album
Absent Elk Bassist James aka @fireinthetopdraw has just released a weed inspired album under the name of The Bass Boi that we think some of you are going to like.
Absent Elk Bassist James aka @fireinthetopdraw has just released a weed inspired album under the name of The Bass Boi that we think some of you are going to like.
Well, the bell has tolled and this dysfunctional government has finally conceded that it needs to dissolve and reform after another General Election. Brexit is of course the cause of
By Barnaby De Hoedt When you think about the potential hemp has to solve the world’s plastic and waste crisis, you probably don’t immediately think of eyewear as an area
By Gemma Taylor What is FPJ, FFJ, KNF?If you have an interest in organic growing, permaculture or living soil, chances are you’ve glanced upon these strange acronyms at some point
Transform Drug Policy Foundation has welcomed drug reform proposals made by the health and social care committee – for some drug offences to be decriminalised and to treat addiction as
With the explosion of news stories that the mainstream media didn’t seem to stop pushing out in 2018, it felt like the public were being primed for a quick integration
Prohibitionist resisting adult-use cannabis legalisation are bound to point out that the black market is still thriving somewhat in Canada, where recreational cannabis has been legal for a year now.
Update: The Supreme Court has pushed the deadline back six months to 30 April, reportedly due to intense lobbying from companies trying to influence the legislation. Mexico’s Senate is set
An opinion piece on UKCSC.co.uk recently argued that nationalising Big Pharma was the key to legalising cannabis medicine and solving the looming anti-biotics crisis. Now a study from the University
After posting our article on hemp batteries last month, Robert Murray-Smith – whose tests have shown hemp to be eight times more powerful than lithium – got in touch via
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