The Sensible Cannabis Consumer – To smoke or not to smoke?

As sensible cannabis consumers we know that although cannabinoids are not bad for you (rather the complete opposite) combustion of any plant material will contain carcinogens such as Benzyprene. You knew that, right?


So as the cannabis movement gain global successes, we as a community need to take a look at the way that we are taking our medicine. Technology, the ever evolving ‘thing’ that it is, now allows us to be ever more health conscious and to consume cannabis in a much cleaner way.

The Truth

broccoliCannabis does not cause cancer but carbon-containing, super-hot burning material can. Think of it this way, Broccoli when treated with respect, is a wonderful thing. Dried and smoked through an 18 inch bong everyday however, it would presumably be just as bad. In Germany, burnt food (which is extremely high in carbon) is illegal to sell.

We, the cannabis community, should not need to be told not to smoke cannabis. But as the worlds-eye is being opened to this life changing plant we must be as knowledgeable, responsible and respectful as we can. “Think of the children!”


Releasing the good stuff, the clean way.


Cannabis has been proven to relax and dilate the airway (check Dr Donalds Taskins studies, of which there are plenty). For those of you who suffer from Asthma I guess you would know that smoking makes things worse and can trigger an attack. Well vaporising cannabis doesn’t produce smoke. Instead of blasting a flame on the bud a vape will gently tickle it to the right temperature. Just enough heat to release the active cannabinoids but not so hot that any material will combust. Place your mouth on the mouthpiece, press “the button”, inhale and enjoy. What you breathe out feels more like water vapour and that is because… well, it pretty much is.

Take a step back as the cannabinoid vapour relaxes your airway.

Understand the science

Dr Donald P. Tashkin, Professor of medicine and medical director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory at the David Geffen School of medicine at University of California, published a paper in a journal for Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Here is what the paper outlined:

Dr. Tashkin found that regular smoking of marijuana by itself causes visible and microscopic injury to the large airways that is consistently associated with an increased likelihood of symptoms of chronic bronchitis that subside after cessation of use. He also found that the evidence does not indicate that habitual use of marijuana leads to significant abnormalities in lung function when assessed either cross-sectionally or longitudinally, except for possible increases in lung volumes and modest increases in airway resistance of unclear clinical significance.

The author finds no clear link between marijuana use and the development of COPD or lower respiratory tract infections. In addition, as Dr Tashkin notes, “findings from a limited number of well-designed epidemiological studies do not suggest an increased risk for the development of either lung or upper airway cancer from light or moderate use, although evidence is mixed concerning possible carcinogenic risks of heavy, long-term use. In summary, the accumulated weight of evidence implies far lower risks for pulmonary complications of even regular heavy use of marijuana compared to the grave pulmonary consequences of tobacco.”

So, now you have the guidance and the facts to make your own decision regarding how you consume your cannabis. As the cannabis scene evolves even further, expect to see vaporising lounges in the UK.

Yours –

The Sensible Cannabis Consumer

Comments (5)

  1. Good article, and well researched. If being health conscious isn't enough to motivate people towards using a Vaporiser, then economy certainly should be - especially with the high prices of black market Herbal Cannabis in the UK. Vaporisation results in a higher blood plasma concentration of THC when compared to combusted cannabis for up to 60 minutes following inhalation - and studies have also shown that as much as 80% of the THC from Cannabis combusted in joints and bongs, is lost in "slipstream smoke" This is not the case with Vaporisers, they allow a much more economical method of ingesting Cannabinoids with very little wastage... and the waste product can be re-used in edibles or topical creams :)
    1. Sorry Cannabis truth, but I have to disagree. 80% lost in slip stream? maybe if you add the smoke that is wasted when exhaled. But you also do that with a vaporisor, you just can't see it. I just hold it down till the smoke has gone, all used 100%. Vapes are good, but when weed is the price of gold I guess I'm going to die of carcinogens. Untill they stop arresting people for a plant!
      1. Nope, slip stream is just that - smoke that is not inhaled but escapes into the air... this happens, whether or not you realise it! Check the MAPS/NORML study I linked too - It explains the wastage from combustion pretty well and explains why that is not the case with vaporisation. "but when weed is the price of gold I guess I'm going to die of carcinogens" - vaporising is definitely more economical, that is without a doubt... one can self-titrate better, cycle through several temperatures at which various Cannabinoids are volatile, stop-start consumption and absorb more Cannabinoids. This is science! It's not really something one can disagree with! and like I said the vaporised material can be used again for cooking or topical cream making something that simply cannot be done with the byproduct of combustion! (Ash!)
        1. Thanks Guys, always open for new knowledge. I do though have a lot of knowledge myself and own a de-verdamper vapourisor, obviously the best in the world :-) well I think so.
      2. THC take by the lungs is very quick usually within a couple of seconds of inhaling all usable THC is gone and holding on to the smoke beyond that point merely allows more time for all the bad stuff in the smoke to do damage to your lungs. Vapeorisers don't produce any smoke so the health risks are virtually nonexistent

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