This Week In Weed – 16 June 2019
Caldwells launch legal challenge against NHS Charlotte Caldwell has launched a legal challenge against the NHS and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland over access to her teenage epileptic
Caldwells launch legal challenge against NHS Charlotte Caldwell has launched a legal challenge against the NHS and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland over access to her teenage epileptic
Charlotte Caldwell has been forced to take her son Billy to Canada to seek medication after doctors cited strict NHS guidance to say they could not prescribe cannabis unless there
A private equity firm linked to Imperial Tobacco is helping to fund End Our Pain, the pressure group representing Alfie Dingley and others in their fight for medicinal cannabis, in
Medicinal Cannabis Defined: UK Home Office sets out rules for products On 21 September, the Government formally announced its definition of what qualifies as ‘cannabis-based’ products for medicinal use ahead
The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has told the government that doctors in the UK should have the option to prescribe cannabis-derived medicinal products to patients with certain
Sophia Gibson, the seven-year-old girl from Northern Ireland who has been in intensive care after a life-threatening epileptic seizure, has been granted a long-term licence for the use of medicinal
By Dr Melissa Bone ‘The power of the people is greater than the people in power’ – Wael Ghonim I am a law lecturer at the University of Leicester and
The Home Office released its latest position on medical cannabis within the UK on Wednesday 28 June. These first faltering steps into a brave new world offer hope to thousands
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