UKCSC: A regulated cannabis market in the UK will keep children safer

UK Cannabis Social Club spokesperson Edouard Desforges appeared on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire Show to make the case that the regulated framework proposed by UKCSC will help keep children safer by moving cannabis sales off of the street where sales can only be made if you have age ID.

The debate was in response to six Police Crime Commissioners coming out in support of making cannabis social clubs legal, along with the release of new figures showing that there has been a rise in the number of prosecutions brought against children and young people for dealing cannabis but a fall in prosecutions brought against adults.

Edouard said: “Age checks are entirely appropriate, we don’t want unfettered access for children. With the club model that we propose, you have to show valid ID.”

Asked what the club model is, he explained: “It’s an idea from 2006 when a pan-European coalition of drug reform activists and organisations called ENCOD (The European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies) came together with this model. It’s been implemented in countries like Spain.

“At these clubs you can consume cannabis in a socially responsible way. The members pay a membership duty; they can procure cannabis of a safe, high-quality where profit isn’t the main concern, it’s grown by the members for the members. It’s a safe way of accessing cannabis away from the traditional black market and greater drug market. It’s a victimless crime.”

Recent positive press coverage of UKCSC has opened up how the clubs work to the wider public.

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