UK cannabis medicine trial limited to 150 prescriptions
A small number of patients are to be given cannabis medicine prescriptions as part of a UK trial to test their effectiveness. GW Pharmaceuticals have offered an early access programme
A small number of patients are to be given cannabis medicine prescriptions as part of a UK trial to test their effectiveness. GW Pharmaceuticals have offered an early access programme
The “godfather” of cannabis science is teaming up with the UK cannabis giant GW Pharmaceuticals, the world’s largest exporter of medicinal cannabis. In amongst the mass of news pouring out
Supply shortage in Canada deepens Demand continues to outstrip supply two weeks after Canada became the first G20 country to legalise cannabis. Rosalie Wyonch, a policy analyst at the CD
Medicinal Cannabis Defined: UK Home Office sets out rules for products On 21 September, the Government formally announced its definition of what qualifies as ‘cannabis-based’ products for medicinal use ahead
What is known as ‘Skunk’ in the UK is known internationally as Sinsemilla (from the Spanish ‘sin’ meaning ‘without’ and ‘semilla’ meaning ‘seeds’). It is an intensively grown herbal cannabis
Sativex, the concentrated cannabis mouth spray, now has Schedule 4 status in England and Wales. This removes much of the red tape that is currently preventing medical professionals from prescribing
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